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Hello! My name is Alexander, but many call me either Alex or obliv1on.
I live together with my family (Mother, Step-father, brother, step-brother and step-sister) in Stockholm, Sweden.
All the way since my early childhood i had a passion for videogames. My first ever console was the N-64 that i got from my aunt back in 2004. I always loved to play Super Mario 64 or Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. Until today im hooked in Video games and i tend to play them on weekends. 

Approximately  1 year ago i got a decent PC, which i was able to play games on a ok video setting and i also acquired the possibility to start streaming some lightweight games. As you may know i`m not that popular of a streamer but i always try my best to entertain all the people that come by my stream. I am playing a variety of games, everything from Minecraft to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
If you ever wonder about anything, feel free to ask me anything you want on my Twitter, Mail, or in the form on the bottom of the site.